brain trust

This blog sometimes morphs into a discussion board for intellectual and political discussion. I love it! I never imagined this would happen and couldn't have planned it if I tried.

One thing I am continually impressed with is the quality and tone of discourse among the Canadians who post here. Why is it I've never had to delete and banish a Canadian poster? And the answer is not because I always agree with them. Julia B says:
I have no interest in a leader who spends more time firing insults than promoting a platform, and no respect for a party whose members refer to a departing member (no matter the circumstance) publically as a "dipstick" and a "whore".
And G concurred:
Add to it the many members of the CPC party's insult-laden attacks on Belinda Stronach's decision to leave. No high road there. Far too often these guys sound like they belong in the playground - every day they prove themselves to be mere boys among men with the personal attacks that are anything but issue-related. And Canadians will not respect that in their votes.
Americans say they don't go for this stuff, yet election results don't bear that out. The guy with the dirtier campaign usually wins.

I am really enjoying all the craziness that's going on in Canadian politics right now. I hope I don't offend you all when I say I'm finding it very entertaining, and I'm learning so much.


  1. There certainly seems to be a lot of outrage that a few Conservative MPs had some impolite words for Belinda Stronach as they pulled daggers out of their backs. Yet, the steady stream of testimony describing kickbacks and intimidation by Liberal apparatchiks elicits little more than a shrug and a heartfelt "whatever". Canadian priorities for you.

  2. Don't get too depressed Rob, the government might not fall on Thursday, but it's hardly out of the woods yet. And you're already conceeding defeat and radiating bitterness before an election's even happened. Before you run off and form the independent Republic of Alberta, you might want to at least wait to see the next election results.

  3. Notsomuch, really.

    Canadians want to hear what the guy appointed to sift through the sponsorship mess has to say. I call that the reasoning approach, not the "whatever" approach.

    Besides, there is as of yet no clear indicator that the Martin camp had anything to do with it. Remember the party split? Martin vs Chretien? Most of Jean's guys are gone now. He set Martin up to take the fall, but perhaps it looks like he will be exonerated. Is that perhaps why Harps refuses to wait to hear Gomery, and instead insists we waste time and taxpayer money on another election so soon?

    After all, there is no legit reason whatsoever to not wait until Gomery wraps up the investigation, other than the fear that perhaps the Liberals will be exonerated, faith will be restored, and power will be more difficult to grab. Perhaps Harper has some insight that says Martin truly is innocent in this mess, so he has to head Gomery off at the pass. That is really the only reasonable explanation for forcing an election that Canadians do not want.

  4. After all, there is no legit reason whatsoever to not wait until Gomery wraps up the investigation, other than the fear that perhaps the Liberals will be exonerated

    ...or that the Liberals will have 6 to 8 months to bury the report.

  5. I think it is extremely unlikely that this report could be buried, not with the amount of national interest in it.

    Rob, I think the problem with the different response to the sexism and insults from the CPC is that this sort of thing is extremely childish and any adult should know better, especially one that was elected to represent people in parliament.

    Whereas the sponsorship inquiry though bad simply a case of gov't corruption which everyone has come to expect. I always said if Chretien and his buds only wasted $300 million then we aren't doing too bad!

    The other comments about no firm ties to the current administration also ring true. I firmly believe that Chretien set Martin up for this fall, which was why he played with the timeing of his departure from politics (He knew when the auditor general report was coming out, and what was in it). Martin was setup to fail because Chretien didn't like him that much (and never did). So i kinda feel bad for him.

    Still, I will probably end up voting NDP next election, simply because conservative is not an option for me (I believe in equality, unlike Harper), and the NDP is the only party trying to actually get anything done instead of slinging mud. Might have to let my Liberal membership expire...


  6. "(I believe in equality, unlike Harper)"

    Whoo-hoo! :-)

  7. I always said if Chretien and his buds only wasted $300 million then we aren't doing too bad!

    Waste is not the same thing as corruption. Waste is the billion dollar gun registry that wasn't supposed to cost anything. Waste is the billion of dollars that was "misplaced" by the HRDC. The sponsorship scandal is about the Liberal party stealing tax money for their own use. If a politician spends my money on something stupid, it's incompetence, but if he uses it to line his own pockets, it's criminal.

  8. If a politician spends my money on something stupid, it's incompetence, but if he uses it to line his own pockets, it's criminal.

    The problem I have with this statement is that it isin't a crime by the whole party unless they knew about it and didn't say anything. Also these are accusations by people who have already been implicated in the sponsorship scandel. Can't call something criminal till it has been proven. Anyway, all a moot point as I watch the 15 minutes division call count down at 1:11

    Will we have an election?



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