a perfect example

Why am I moving to Canada? Have you heard about "Justice Sunday"? This nauseating bit of theocracy is brought to us by some of our favorite political hacks, bigots and former criminals: Bill Frist, James Dobson, Chuck Colson, etc. No links, if you don't know them, you'll have to look them up yourself.

There's a good story about it in The American Prospect:
The Family Research Council says anticlerical judges pose a greater danger than al-Qaeda. . . .

The fight over the Senate confirmation of President George W. Bush’s most conservative judicial nominees is about to take an ugly turn, as the administration’s supporters in the religious right prepare an organized campaign to accuse Democrats of being biased against Christians.

For several years now, in the right’s rhetoric against Democrats who have threatened to filibuster judicial nominees, there has been an undercurrent that hinted at an anti-Christian bias. But at a conference on the judiciary last week, sponsored by the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCCR), the movement began to take a more menacing form.
Story here; right-wing propaganda about JS here.

No one seems to notice that the expression "Justice Sunday" was swiped from progressive Christian groups who actually work for justice. The Unitarian Universalists, for example, sponsor an annual Justice Sunday; the focus this year was on "threats to the human right to water". The Quakers also promote a similar idea. Some churches hold an annual "Racial Justice Sunday" to focus on that unfinished bit of democracy.

So as these right-wing religious fanatics take over the US government, they appropriate the vocabulary of left-wing social activism. The same activism they say these liberal judges promote.


  1. Are you surprised? Any group that has "Family" in its name ... you know right away their agenda is to run over the left (and the centre-leaning right, and the right that doesn't lean as far right as they'd like ... etc etc etc).

    We're lucky they haven't yet declared a holy war of their own on Muslims yet. You can bet that's coming, though ... only thing holding it back is Christianity is a religion of predominantly peace and goodwill. Funny how much of that they've forgotten. Only time will tell how long it will be before they add the New Testament to the pile of other torn-out pages that don't fit their agenda, and fully instill into their tactics the eye-for-an-eye ideals of the Old Testament (because of course they will conveniantly forget why Jesus was sent in the first place). Hell, it's already been applied with abortion doctors, now isn't it?

  2. I didn't say I was surprised. Very little surprises me.

    But let's not let them own the word family. Coalition to Stop Family Violence. The Rainbow Family Coalition. etc.

  3. Oh, I know ... just exagerrating to make the point, the usual G - thing.

    Just a shame that Liberty For All seems to mean Liberty Our Way Only to the groups to which I'm referring. But, it's happening here too - like weeds in my yard, family groups against gay marriage are springing up all over the place. At least, as Canadians, they are a bit more tactful in their approach - one of the many times our tragic flaw of being too nice actually comes in handy - so far they've been easy to ignore. ;-)

  4. Ha! That's very good. And I get you, re the G approach. I've been there. I'm pretty sure it was the L-Girl Way 20-odd years ago. ("Back when I was your age..." she says, pointing her cane...)

    A good progressive group here is People for the American Way. (Norman Lear started it.) I always liked the name, but people do find it confusing.

  5. This is an awesome blog. I am humbled.

  6. Wow. Thanks. Awesome? I am amazed.


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