what a surprise

How long were we waiting to see this headline?
Data Is Lacking on Iran's Arms, U.S. Panel Says

A commission due to report to President Bush this month will describe American intelligence on Iran as inadequate to allow firm judgments about Iran's weapons programs, according to people who have been briefed on the panel's work.

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The International Atomic Energy Agency, which has been conducting inspections in Iran for two years, has said it has not found evidence of any weapons program. But the agency has also expressed skepticism about Iran's insistence that its nuclear activities are strictly civilian.

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In its report, the panel is also expected to be sharply critical of American intelligence on North Korea. But in interviews, people who have been briefed on the commission's deliberations and conclusions said they regarded the record on Iran as particularly worrisome. . . .
Apparently the only way to be safe from US attack is to actually have nuclear weapons, like North Korea. Also, of course, to be in a non-oil-producing region...


  1. well, did anyone think it would turn out any different?
    if it were the democrats running the operation, they'd plant a bunch of old warheads and then claim victory. . . m.a.

  2. No. And yes. In that order.


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