two years in

This weekend marks the two-year anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.

As of today, 1696 "coalition" forces have been killed in combat, and 11,220 are listed as wounded by the Department of Defense.

Somewhere between 17,000 and 20,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. There is no estimate on how many have been disabled, orphaned or left homeless.

No weapons of mass destruction of any type, or equipment to make them, have been found.

No link between Iraq and the terrorist attacks of September 11th has been found. It has been proven that none existed.

Baghdad and other Iraqi cities lack reliable electricity, fresh water and other basic resources.

Saddam Hussein has been deposed.

An election has been held. A substantial number of Iraqis boycotted it as fraudulent. There are very few signs that a secular democracy will be established.

A small group of hand-picked multinational corporations are making vast sums of wealth from the war, through the privatization of military services (including detention and interrogation), the rebuilding of oil-related equipment that the US destroyed, and other oil industry-related activity.

US military strikes against a civilian population have increased anti-American sentiment throughout the Muslim world, thereby increasing the risk of anti-US terrorism.

Many former high-level intelligence sources believe the invasion of Iraq diverted resources from the war in Afghanistan at a crucial time, resulting in a missed opportunity to find Osama bin Laden.

The Bush administration is the first in US history to engage in war while giving substantial tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, thereby increasing the burden on the middle and working class.

The US has no exit strategy.


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