my new hero

Headline from Common Dreams: "Man Sells Device That Blocks Fox News". Wow! It's a little thingy that screws into the back of your television set to filter out Fox News.

The inventor of Fox Blocker, a former registered Republican, says his product is not just about preventing people from watching Fox, "which he acknowledges can be done without the Blocker. But he likens his device to burning a draft card, a tangible example of disagreement. . . . After buying the $8.95 device online, would-be blockers are shown a letter that they can send to advertisers via the Fox Blocker site. 'The point is not to block the channel or block free speech but to raise awareness,' said Kimery, who works in the tech industry."

The Fox Blocker even improves on the TV-B-Gone, a keychain-sized universal remote that lets you turn off televisions in public places.

For more information - or to order yours! - go here. Buy a dozen and give 'em out as gifts!


  1. Being one who rarely watches TV and who gets but 1 channel anyway I don't even know what FOX news is. I'm assuming I'm lucky!

    But the TV-B-Gone gizmo is on my wish list, for sure.

  2. It's your basic fascist hate-fest -screaming, vitriol and unsubstantiated accusations - marketed under the Orwellian slogan "Fair and Balanced". I can't take it for more than 10 seconds myself.

    Yeah, isn't that TV-B-Gone thingy great? If only there was one for music in public places!

  3. According to some posters at DU, CNN has been talking about this story a lot. Which is funny since they should be next on the cable news blocker list.

  4. Mollie said:

    THANK YOU for the TV-B-Gone™ link. Hoo-freaking-RAY!!!! Ordering one immediately.

  5. I watch it once in a while. Know your enemy and all that. People are maybe starting to wise up, so it could be fun to tune in once they're getting close to imploding. Hee, hee. Or maybe just watch Outfoxed again.

    The Fox Blocker guy is having a contest to replace the fair and balanced slogan. My suggestion is "feral and unbalanced."

    Thanks, L-Girl!

  6. That's a good one! Apologies to feral creatures everywhere.

    I've never been very good at the know your enemies bit - it upsets me too much. I'm glad there are people like you on our side who can do it. I have activist friends who are on mailing lists of radical anti-choice groups, to keep tabs on what they're up to. I'd be a basket case.

  7. Oh, I'm not that brave. I watch partly to see what they're up to, partly out of masochism, and partly out of morbid curiosity.

    Your friends are the courageous ones. I actually get quite upset and queasy whenever I see Bill O'Reilly or W or any one of the other right wing nut jobs. I'm feeling a little barfy right now thinking of Randall Terry acting as Terri Schiavo's saviour.

  8. I hadn't been following the Schiavo story closely - avoiding the details - and I nearly lost it when I heard Randall Terry's name mentioned! I think of him as a personal nemesis.

    I understand morbid curiosity, but it seems to me there are more fun ways to indulge your masochistic side...

  9. He's a horrible, wretched man who's headed straight for that hell he believes in so strongly.

    Perhaps I'd better rethink the M word. Mustn't get the pervy wingnuts excited - they might want to play Spank the Liberal.

  10. And even in our kinkiest moments, the thought of playing spanking games with Mr Terry could only bring on uncontrolled regurgitation...

  11. ...which is fitting because the Repugs are regurgitating the same tired message.

    Randi Rhodes was saying that Terry divorced his wife so that he could marry a twenty-something cupcake. Hmm...must do some research.


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