star quote

Which is not to say a quote from a star, but my quote in The Star.

In a January 29 article called "Abortion Anxiety Mounts in U.S.," you will find a quote from a certain "New York pro-choice activist". C'est moi.

Thank you to Shauna, former Haven one-woman-show, currently keeping things hopping at NOW and elsewhere.


  1. That "crazy woman" is one of the most (in)famous and disgusting neocons on the planet. She has a website if you want to get the full view. [Herfullname]dot-com. I warn you, you might need to be fumigated when you're done, or at least a scalding bath.

    Cool blog! Sadly, I'm not sure I love this country anymore. But that is a neat blog.

  2. A lot of Canadians have never heard of good ol' Coulter, a fact you'll probably appreciate.

    What I can't understand is why the neocons want someone speaking for them that makes Rush Limbaugh sound like a moderate in comparison.

  3. Cool!! I thought "crazy woman" was a perfectly good name for her.

    Last summer when I was feeling down about the Kerry campaign, I would see Michael Moore and Al Franken on the NY Times best seller list and feel reassured. Then I would see that crazy woman's book on the same list, and.. not so much.

  4. I agree with Kyle that most Canadians have never heard of Ann Coulter (or Bill O'Reilly or Tucker Carlson or Bob Novak, for that matter). This is unfortunate, because these people are shaping public opinion of Canada in the US and they are painting us with a pretty unflattering brush. Much was made of the "Soviet Canuckistan" label we got from Pat Buchanan, but that's mild compared to the venom we regularly receive from Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly.

  5. Do French people worry about how Bill O'Reilly et al depicts them? Do New Yorkers worry about what people in Kansas think of them?

    Canadians shouldn't give a flying fuck what those people say about them. Most Americans will always be ignorant of other cultures.

    Hey, I identify strongly as a feminist. Is there an identity less understood and more misrepresented by those imbeciles? If I worried about how Bill O'Reilly depicted me, I'd go insane.

  6. The French, comfortably insulated as they are in the EU, are far less vulnerable to American hostility than we are.

  7. Yes, that's a very good point. But do you really feel American hostility? Or are you picking it up from these lunatic media personalities?

    I don't think most Americans are hostile towards Canadians. I thought the complaint was that Americans don't notice Canadians or understand they have a separate culture, as opposed to "America Lite".

  8. There is growing hostility. Although it is not too serious now, people like Bill O'Reilly are doing their best to fan the flames. We Canadians used to bemoan the lack of interest America showed towards us. Now, we are beginning to long for that benign indifference.

  9. Well, if that's true, it's terrible. But don't confuse what you hear on those shows with actual public opinion. I still think indifference is the norm.

  10. I agree. The power of FOX News is not as great as O'Reilly's masturbatory fantasies make it out to be. There was a recent piece in the CBC about it. Bill O'Reilly claimed his anti-French boycott was ravaging the French economy when, in fact, US-France trade has actually increased steadily over the last few years. The big concern is the lunatic fringe. It only takes a small number of highly-dedicated individuals to do great harm.

  11. Yes! That's why, for example, their anti-gay crusade is so dangerous. Most Americans don't hate gay people, but one wacko with a cause...

    Raving the French economy! What a hoot.


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