immigration update

I forgot to include this in my previous post, and since everyone has been asking... We are now waiting on the FBI. As soon as our fingerprints and certificate comes back, proving we are not felons, we'll send the whole package to the CIC: financial information, proof of common-law domestic partnership, employment verification and a few other assorted documents. After that, more waiting.

C, in Montreal, feels that Americans emigrating to Canada can only be a positive thing for Canadian society. She noted that the more typical "brain drain" is to the US, as Canadian professionals leave for greater income potential. This northward migration, such as it is, is comprised of employable, stable, progressive-minded people who are engaged in the world around them. She feels Canada can always use more of those.

A commenter who posts at the Moving To Canada, Eh? blog said something similar here.

Certainly no one has made me feel anything but welcome.


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