"having drinks at the same bar"

Once again, Mr Zinn nails it. While I'm still in the US - and after I leave - I pledge to do everything in my power to stop this insane war. What could be more important?


  1. Hi Laura,
    I would like to say I really appreciate your visit to our blog! :)
    I don't know English very well, but I need to learn it, so I will visit your blog many times, ok?
    I see that you are moving to Canada, and if you need any help or information, pls let me know.


  2. Well Anna, your English looks pretty good to me - a whole lot better than my Portugese!

    How long have you been in Canada? How are you finding the adjustment? I think it must be a bigger adjustment moving from Brazil than from the US.

    I'd be honored if you read my blog from time to time to improve your English skills.


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