five things you probably don't know about frederick douglass (and u.s. history)

Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom , David W. Blight's monumental biography of that greatest of Americans, is a long, challenging, and utterly fascinating read. After waiting for months to borrow it from the library, I ended up returning the library copy and buying it from Amazon. The book is filled with so many fascinating, inspiring, horrific, and thrilling views on some of the most pivotal moments of United States history, including the "Second Revolution" -- the Civil War. Here are a few random factoids. After winning the battle for Blacks to join the Union forces, Douglass used the slogan Men of Color! To Arms! on his long recruiting tours. 1. The expression "personal of color" is at least 150 years old. Frederick Douglass frequently referred to African Americans as people of color. 2. When Malcolm X said "the ballot or the bullet" and "by any means necessary," he was hearkening back to Frederick Douglass. Douglass wrote that Amer...